Pulp City is always close to my mind, either to play, paint or work on. Case in point, I have been working on a small narrative campaign for our local group, but Summer (the season, not the journalist) got in the way. I’ll come back to this later, for now is time to talk painting!
As I did a whole team of villains earlier this year, I did not want to tackle something as big between other games’ projects. Looking at my pile of opportunities, my remaining generic minions jumped out as the perfect quick task. I added some scatter terrain pieces to the queue, as I got some already primed.
After painting the core models from the starter, painting the voices to lead them, and making custom bases, it was time to round out the villains team. I needed a Support model, and while I have other indie supports, I got them in trade and they were previously painted. Instead of going through the steps to strip them, I decided to go with the cyber entity called Vector, a neutral character. After that, it was less of a decision on the game role, and more what cool other models I had. I needed a 1-level model to have a full 12-level line-up. The second model from Vector’s set was Kitty Cheshire, the stranger from the Other Side. I might as well paint her to complete the duo, as they were the very first models I ever bought for the game. It was about time I got some colour on them.
Cro Mag original art, by Pulp Monster
This gave me a whole team worth of Supremes. However, it was missing the single most important piece I consider in any Pulp City game: a model that interacts with terrain, either by throwing it, or slamming it into opponents in melee! In came the giant cave man, Cro Mag. The only thing left at that point was to add some Minions, as 100 Voices painted last week could bring some with him. Looking at my collection of henchmen, the cool little dino Mutant Mobsters were the obvious choice.
To direct the merry band of Pulp Cityvillains I started last month, I needed a Leader. Luckily, I’ve been able to get my hand on 100 Voices and his Voicelings recently, after trying to find them for years. As an indie Leader, he’s a perfect match for my rag tag group of criminals. And his henchmen just work so well with him, both thematically and in game, that I had to paint them together.
I started tracking my painting and my playing about 6 years ago. I don’t track wins, or much other info, mainly just the games and who I played with. I find it interesting, and it gives me pointers to what I should get to the table again. Looking at the file, the only game I played every of those years is Pulp City. That is only fitting for my favourite game.
Late last year, I decided to expand my options, as my only painted models were for the A.R.C. faction (the Ape Revolution Committee), and some civilians for the scenarios. I decided to start by painting the indie models from the two alignment starters. I did paint Tekkna for the heroes, but to change things up, I followed that with the villains. I got 2 of them painted before the new year, Aurelius and Anansi, but without their bases though.
J’ai des modèles de Pulp City depuis déjà un bon moment, avant même le kickstarter pour la plus récente édition il y a quelques années. Des modèles plutôt variés venant d’un achat à rabais, mais avec une forte concentration de primate venant de la faction A.R.C. (Ape Revolution Committee).
Quand j’ai voulu les peindre à l’origine, j’avais déjà décidé de rester proche des schémas officiels, qui me plaisent assez, mais j’avais bloqué sur les bases. Les modèles du studio ont tous des bases différentes, et bien que ça aide à les faire ressortir individuellement, ça brise un peu la notion d’équipe. Je n’avais à l’époque rien trouvé qui me plaisait dans le déjà fait en résine, ni d’idée à fabriquer maison. Je les avais donc remisé pour travailler sur autre chose.
I’ve owned Pulp City models for a while, a bit before the kickstarter project for the most recent edition of the game. A pretty varied lot, gotten through the used market, but with a strong concentration of primates from the A.R.C. (Ape Revolution Committee) faction.
When I initially planned to paint them, I knew I wanted to stay pretty close to the official schemes, which I like a lot, but I was stuck at where to go with the bases. The studio models use all different basing schemes, and while it makes the individual minis pop, it lacks a certain team visual. At that time, nothing in pre-made resin caught my eye, and I had no idea for scratch building my own, so they ended up put aside in a closet while I jumped on other projects.