Craft-off – Carol’s cabbage farm

My Ruined forest temple last month ended up winning the judges’ votes 3 to 2, and moved forward to this month’s round.  It was really close based on the judges’ commentaries, and could have gone both ways. That’s always nice in a friendly competition. It was also great to have the opportunity to read judges’ notes!

For October, my imposed theme was “farm“. I struggled with that theme more than the previous months. One personal goal I gave myself was to make terrain that I could use in games, and nothing was really coming to mind early on. Eventually, after painting Laios, I went through my shelf of games again, and a bright light popped up. I would build a rabbit-run cabbage farm for Burrows and Badgers! That would be a good incentive to finally work on those minis.

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I was recently contacted to paint a large scale model from Delicious in Dungeon (also known as Dungeon Meshi), a manga I hadn’t heard about at that point. The model is a large resin garage kit, at an unspecified scale, of the main character Laios. The kit is from the Charagumin line by Volks.

This was my first time working on such a big  piece, at least scale-wise. It was fun to work with metallic paints, as natural light and reflection work better with a large piece like that than our usual 28-32mm gaming miniatures. It was also a good practice for my airbrush skills.

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Craft-off – Ruined forest temple

Earlier this year, I decided to join a terrain building challenge, the Rogue Sculpts Craft-Off Competition. The gist of it is, each month, all participants are paired up, and each pair is given a random theme. At the end of the month, a panel of judges reviews the work from each pair, and the winner gets to advance to the next round. Rince and repeat, until there is only one, Highlander style.

This month, the theme I got was “Ruined temple”. I did a sketch of a forest temple for Endless: Fantasy Tactics a while ago, and it was the perfect time to work on that project. Unfortunately, I could only start late in the month, so I had to reduce the scale of my piece. I ended up doing an 8 by 8 squares board, the quarter of a full EFT board. When I get more time, I can build the other parts, especially as the rest of it is easier and simpler.

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Showcase – 28mm warplanes

Last year, I painted historical tanks for 3D Wargaming, a local 3d designer, to help promote his new line. This year, he launched a new Kickstarter project, but this time for warplanes, and I had once again the chance to paint some of his demo models.

I said planes, but it is really more of a mixe of different models that fly. Three planes, a giant rocket and a flying bomb. They have more rounded surfaces, which made them a bit harder to paint then the tanks, as the 3d layers are showing a bit more than on the flat panels of the threaded vehicles. I missed the heavy weathering that tanks required, compared to comparatively to the cleaner vehicles that planes are. Hopefully, I will have other wheeled/threaded vehicles to work on in the near future. Continue reading “Showcase – 28mm warplanes”

Showcase – Inktober 2018

I took part for the first time this year in the Inktober challenge. The rules are pretty simple: each day of October, make a ink drawing and share it on social media with their hashtag. For people who want them, they also provide daily prompt, to spark your creativity, or to add some restriction to your choices, depending on how you see it.

I have always been doing small doodles and drawings, but nothing serious. Recently, I realized that I a lot better with a more comprehensive concept art for sculpting, so upping my drawing game has been a personal challenge, to no great result, as I often lack motivation or ideas. Inktober was a great way to give myself a boost in productivity, as adding a deadline always helps me. I tried to stick to the suggested prompts, as it was often a good guide, but it didn’t always work out with my self-added theme of stuffed animal (what I sculpt the most often), so I veered off an handful of time.

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Tiny Stuffed Unicorn with Impact Miniatures

You like my stuffed unicorn and want more in your life?  However, you would like smaller ones to create a real horde of them? Now you can!

Impact Miniatures now sells smaller version of the unicorn. The smaller one (dubbed the Tiny Unicorn from now on), has an height of 20mm, compared to the 32mm of its big brother. It is 3d printed on demand in a clear blue resin. The details are impressively sharp, and outside of some changes due to the scanning progress, it is pretty much spot on.

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Showcase – Aquila and Legio XIII starter

I mostly put aside painting in the past months to concentrate on sculpting, but I got back to my brushes recently, and completed a couple models. The first of those I present now, Aquila for Arena Rex.

This is the last model to complete the Legio XIII faction starter, and with him done, I can now get to playing.  Next up, I will paint some terrain to fill out the arena. I do have a couple more models in the queue, but they are not to be painted any time soon. We’ll see if they rise to the top after getting the game to the table though.
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Sculpt – Hippo Ballerina

Ever since I started sculpting, I always liked to work on cute, cartoon projects. This project doesn’t stray far, and also tag along with my recent unicorn, as it’s also a stuffed animal. I present to you the Hippo Ballerina!

She’s smaller than the unicorn, but bigger than the platypus; I think I’ve settled with her on the right size to work on future stuffies. She was also a lot faster to sculpt. I’m getting used to the polymer clay (this one being Beesputty), and I’m finishing this sculpt with only two bake.

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Sculpt – Stuffed Unicorn

Since the middle of last year, I’ve been on a kick to up my sculpting game, after getting a couple sculpting and conversion commissions.  In the past months, I’ve been sculpting a lot more, and trying different style, tools and materials got my hyped.

Human/humanoid anatomy not being my forte, I decided to stick with cartoon models, like when I started sculpting years ago with the titular zonion. I first did a platypus, started a koala, but my biggest recent project was a stuffed unicorn, in the spirit of my daughter birthday.

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WMH Secret Santa 2017

Like last year, I took part in our provincial Warmachine & Hordes themed Secret Santa painting exchange. It always a fun community building activity. My target had provided a good selection of ideas to pick from, my favourite in the list being the Legion of Everblight Ice Witches. Sadly, when I wanted to start painting, they were not out yet.  My second choice in the list was still a good model, and most important, was out and available to pick at my FLGS!  So onward I went with a Beast Mistress, for the same faction.

I knew the target from his blog, so I went there and dig through the posts to find some sample of his paint scheme. He doesn’t post much pictures, and when he does, mostly overview in battle reports, so it was hard to find a good view. I luckily found one in one of the local FB group, so based my scheme on it.

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