Dark Object

The always productive Kawe from Westfalia Miniatures has just launched a new crowdfunding project for a sombre and gritty sci-fi game, and the models that go with it: Dark Object. I had the pleasure of painting a set of the preview models for it, so let’s take a look at them!

The models were hand-sculpted by Boris Woloszyn. He’s an amazing sculptor, and do really well with dark and moody subjects like this set, but you should check his previous work with Westfalia, as there are a lot of really nice pieces from him in the catalogue. The models are cast in resin, and have sharp details. Some of the pieces are quite thin, so progress with patience in the cleaning and assembly, not to break anything.

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Delta Station

I don’t do much commission work anymore, but I was recently contacted to paint a small line of civilian sci-fi models. The project was interesting and small enough to be manageable, so I took the plunge.

The models are from Wyrm Forge, to be released in an upcoming crowdfunding project on Kickstarter. You can register to be notified of the launch. The models were hand sculpted, and they have an old school sci-fi vibe to them.  The look I was asked for was “colourful 70s sci-fi”. I made a colour montage board for it, that you can see below, and followed the mood.

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Space Station Yaumato – La construction

L’an dernier, j’ai eu l’idée de faire des maquettes ou pièces de terrain pour les anniversaires de mes bons copains. Le premier anniversaire qui arrivait était celui de Yaum, un grand fan d’Infinity, avec une superbe force entièrement peinte, mais rien pour les regrouper. J’ai donc décidé de lui faire un plateau de présentation, et j’ai pris les mesures de ses armoires en secret pendant une partie chez lui. Yaum joue les Nomads, une faction nomades vivant sur trois vaisseaux,plutôt que d’avoir une région terrestre à leur nom. J’ai donc choisi de faire un plateau représentant une section d’un de ces vaisseaux, avec un style industriel qui cadrerait bien avec ses bases.

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