The Hunting Pair

I am slowly but surely adding terrain to my Carnevale collection. I’ll have to make a post about that eventually, when I have a full table worth of buildings done. I’m almost there, with only needing to use a couple cardboard buildings last game.

In the meantime, I took a break to paint some miniatures instead of terrain, adding a pair of new models to my list, to hunt the opponents of the Guild: a fisherman and an arbalest. We started to play bigger games, and this will let me swap out some models in between games. I did a quick modification to the fisherman, to match his card weapons, by adding a net to his hand, made with cheese cloth, white glue and bits of green stuff for the weights.

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The Doctor and the Assassin

Last December, before the start of my recent painting slump, I finished the year with two new models for Carnevale, after also painting a good amount of terrain. The first was an addition to the Guild in the form of a Rialto Assassin, to add power and range to my mainly tradesmen collection.

The second model is a female Plage Doctor, a start for a small second faction. That limited edition model is such a beauty that I had ordered her at first just to paint. However, after some games, I liked the game enough to grab a starter for The Doctors to have options and maybe give demos.

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People of Venice, unite under the protection of the Guild

I have been aware of Carnevale for some time, but never really put much thought into it until earlier this year. Strangely, it’s terrain that gave me the initial spark. After seeing a crowdfunding project for Venetian terrain, Waterspire, I looked back at the game and enjoyed the minis and theme more than I remembered. And then I took a look at the rules, and just loved how dynamic the movement system felt, with free jumps, parkour, 3d terrain fully integral to the game, including jumping from rooftops and swimming in canals, etc. So I got myself a starter and some extra minis to try out the game.

The project took a bit longer to ramp up than I would have like, as other priorities came up first in the painting queue, amongst other things. One of the hurdles was how to base the models. In the end, we opted to use the texture from the floor tiles of the Waterspire project and make base toppers, so the models would fit with the eventual streets we might print. They are a bit tall to my taste, but thinner toppers might have warped during printing, and I didn’t want to file that much resin in a room I share with the kids.

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