Of Void and Sky

I’m slowly adding variety to my Carnevale gangs. This time a couple models for the Doctors: a Doctor(ess) of the Firmament, and a Hollow(wo)man. The first one will give me a magic user other than my Leader, and the second one is a cheap support model that will help to fill up my Madmen willpower batteries.

The colour scheme is pretty much set for my Doctors now, so this part was pretty easy. The only thing I had to think about was the emptied glowing orbs on the Hollowman. The studio used a bright red for their orbs, that contrast well with the blue they used for the model with the Nexus orbs, like the Madmen. I used magenta for my own nexus orbs instead of blue. My first though was to use a bright green to get a good contrast, but that would have been too close to the teal of the straightjacket, so I went with orange instead. It doesn’t stand out that much, but I think it still looks good.

Doctor of the Firmament


And as usual, an action shot to close out the post, against some members of the Guild.

Combat scene between the Doctor of the Firmament and a Hollowman against members of the Guild

The children of Ptah

I got interested in Wargods of Aegyptus by Crocodile Games a while back (that is a trend…). I traded a small lot used, and played a test game or two. Sadly, other projects got in the way, as well as a lack of interest in my gaming group, so it was put back in a box to wait for a better time.

This time has arrived! Other players in my local group have started collecting, in the past year, and my painting speed and focus have also gotten better. I painted a starter warband around the children of Ptah in the past month, of about a 1000 points. I got some more models that I will slowly add to it, but this give me a good core to  start playing and try out the game again.

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Some muscles for the Doctors

With the henchmen and Doctoress done, I was only missing some muscles for my Doctors of the Ospedale before I could play them. So I painted a selection of Heroes to fill up my force. I’m really not sure they play well together, but that never stopped me from fielding models, as I usually go for look first.

However, with one of those being a Doctor of the Beasts, I couldn’t really use him without some claws and fur on the table, so I also painted a couple beasts also. I’ve bought some more of those terrible creatures, but they’ll wait for a later time, as I have enough to play now.

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Chase Them Down – Carnevale Action Report

After an exciting first game in this small campaign, Yaum and I didn’t wait long and played the second scenario the very next week. It took me some time to finish my write-up though, so excuse me if I don’t go in full action by action details, as some of it is a bit blurry now. I wouldn’t want to write it that way anyway. Let’s jump in!

The Story

Moving stealthily away from the crowd gathering near palazzo Cattivo, Antonio Morosini thanked his legendary luck. The Contessa, in her bloodlust, didn’t finish him and quickly assaulted her next victim. The Capodecina, under the orders of Princess Castello, was to assault the palazzo and prevent this masquerata of ever happening. Sadly, one of the civilians under him, unused to dirty work like this, gave their presence away early, and paid for it with his life. Looking back, Morosini saw that some of the nobles were not getting up from their own pool of blood either, and smiled to himself. The mission wasn’t a complete failure. But he then heard the Contessa rally her remaining guests and call for a chase. It was time for him and what was left of his troop to get out of here.

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Daugthers of the Jungle

I started to paint my Rocavivas last year, to have an opposing force to my Orphans and finally try out Némesis. I was doing quite well early on, until everything stopped due to the flooding. Since my second batch of Rocavivas was already primed, I kept those on the side and didn’t pack them off to go in storage, to have something to work on in case I could get some free time.  I didn’t paint much during the cleaning and reconstruction, but when we had some quieter evenings, I worked a bit on them on a corner of the kitchen table.

Painting in a shared zone that I had to keep clear afterward wasn’t as effective as with a dedicated hobby zone, but it was that or nothing, so I made do. Even if it was shorter periods, because of the time required to set up and tear down after each session, it brought some peace of mind in an otherwise stressful period. I managed to paint all my second batch over a couple of months (which is long even for me), but I couldn’t finish them, as all my basing material and varnish were still in storage.

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Shattered Sword Reinforcements

I’m slowly catching up on the few projects I tackled during the renovations. Somewhere in the early Fall, I had a game of Relic Knights with my buddy Paul. It made me realize that I still had a bunch of models for my Shattered Sword Paladins just zenithal primed in purple and put on temporary bases. They were  made them passable on the table, but it gave me the drive to finish them. Also, since I didn’t have my airbrush or any of my other primers, working on ready models was perfect.

The painting itself wasn’t difficult, but I had a hard time settling on a colour for Jeanne’s hair. I originally painted it blue, but when I decided to make the banners and ribbons blue also, it just got lost in all of it. I tried a blonde after that, like the artwork for the model, but it was too close to the NMM gold.  I’m quite happy with the final magenta result though.

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Party Interrupted – Carnevale Action Report

My buddy Yaum just finished painting his beautiful (but also filthy and decadent) Patricians for Carnevale. To start their story on the table, we decided to play the Patricians campaign from the big rule book. The rules might not be the most recent, but it’s a treasure of lore and scenarios, with a small campaign for each faction. I’ll be facing them with the Guild at the start, since they are their natural opponents, and because I’m still missing a model or two for my Doctors to have a large enough force, but I might switch later on depending on the scenario setups.

The Story

Our story begins in Venice, the city of canals. La Serenissima. The night is young, and the various guests of Contessa Jezabella Cattivo are dancing, drinking and enjoying themselves in her palazzo. However, there is a palpable tension building, as they all know that this masquerata will soon spread to the streets. Suddenly, shouting is heard from outside. It seems the spark has been lit by unseen assailants, probably some jealous lowly commoners. The Contessa takes her hand to her blade and says: “Let’s party.”

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Out with 2024, in with 2025

2024 was a weird year. I wanted to paint, play and blog more. And I had a pretty good start too! However, some troubles at home made it difficult for part of the year, and that was before we got flooded in August. Almost everything had to be put on pause until December. This was a rough and tiresome period, and it showcases how much this hobby, both the personal painting time and the social gaming part of it, are a core component of my mental health.

Luckily, we didn’t have that much damage, so it was mainly a time consuming endeavour, and the new basement is better separated. My son’s room is slightly bigger and will give him the space a growing teenager need. I also got myself a closed office and hobby room, which is a big upgrade from sharing the noisy and messy playroom with the kids and their visiting friends. Sure, with the added wall and the bigger bedroom, we are losing some storage space, but we were due for some cleaning and sorting anyway. I cannot say I’m happy it happened, but the final results are at least positive.

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They are all mad under the light of the Rent

I was able to sneak in some painting time last minute, just before the year ended, and get some henchmen done to add to my Doctors of the Ospedale for Carnevale. They are joining that poor Plague Doctoress that has stood alone for the whole year in the cabinet.

I finished a couple of Madmen, and a duo of Lab Assistants. To be honest, I’m not sure I’ll be using both of the latter at the same time, but I was already going, and it was simpler to just paint them together now than eventually come back to the second.

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Water under the bridge, and the floor…

Well, as much as I pledged to post a bit more often this year, Mother Nature didn’t agree with it. Our area got a historic level of rain happen at the beginning of August, and our basement flooded because of that. Luckily, we didn’t lose much, but it has been a long process to empty it out, dry and clean everything, renovate, and slowly move stuff back. We are not fully settled back in yet, but it’s finally moving at a steady pace, and I got back most of my hobby setup.

One positive side of that event was that in doing the rebuilding, we managed to create a closed office room for my work and hobby. It’s small, but I have a zone of my own now, which I am quite happy about. It’s also quieter than the playroom I was sharing with the kids, which is another bonus.

While all this was happening, I didn’t get much hobby done or games played. I managed to paint a bit some slower nights, on the corner of the kitchen table, but it wasn’t the most efficient way to do it. Also, without most of my material on hand, nothing was really done, as I still needed to varnish those, and even find some missing bases. It was not the best time for me as a hobbyist, I must say.

Continue reading “Water under the bridge, and the floor…”