I’m slowly adding variety to my Carnevale gangs. This time a couple models for the Doctors: a Doctor(ess) of the Firmament, and a Hollow(wo)man. The first one will give me a magic user other than my Leader, and the second one is a cheap support model that will help to fill up my Madmen willpower batteries.
The colour scheme is pretty much set for my Doctors now, so this part was pretty easy. The only thing I had to think about was the emptied glowing orbs on the Hollowman. The studio used a bright red for their orbs, that contrast well with the blue they used for the model with the Nexus orbs, like the Madmen. I used magenta for my own nexus orbs instead of blue. My first though was to use a bright green to get a good contrast, but that would have been too close to the teal of the straightjacket, so I went with orange instead. It doesn’t stand out that much, but I think it still looks good.
Doctor of the Firmament
And as usual, an action shot to close out the post, against some members of the Guild.