Gallery Some of my projects, in no particular order. Painting, sculpting and terrain. Painting Layne Dr Red Primate of Mystery Perdita Ortega ECN ball token Bombshell cowgirl Shank Minx Virus Boar Knights of the Kiln Witch Coven & Egregore Snow golem Pulp City A.R.C. Black Gates Miniatures ogres Butchers starter Lylyth 3 EFT Mandragora Converted Warlocks SDE Ember Mage Winter Troll Rivet Wars diorama Runebearer Nemesis Mantis Helga Baron Celsius Von Fahrenheit Absylonia 2 Seraph MC Studio Fishermen starter Arcadia Quest Inferno Arcadia Quest Inferno Arcadia Quest Inferno Arcadia Quest Inferno WHFB Lizardman WHFB Lizardman Severius 2 Space Marine Captain and Sergeant Butcher’s mascot Princess Pig-Gorax Cryx Deathjack SW Armada fighters SW Armada fighters SW Armada fighters Relics Varbres 3D Wargaming Formic AWC EFT Mandragora 2 EFT Thief Janissa Stonetide Bulldog Pulp City citizens Relics Ealdmoder Fellcaller RK Pacer SDE Roxxor RK Swordsworn Thyra WHFB Lizardman Sculpting and conversions Cartoon Owl Goblin swashfishler captain Pugicorn Stuffed hippo ballerina Cartoon Koala Goblin swashfishler Stuffed unicorn Cartoon platypus DE Archaon/Captain Harlock mash up Snow golem Bane Witch Agathia Tree stump Warpwolf Rager Pig-Gorax 2 Pig-Gorax 1 Le Zonion Vyros Extreme Mulg Terrain EFT Forest temple Casanii dwelling Fubarnii Balloon Base de lac glacé Plateau de présentation pour Infinity Endless Fantasy Tactics Brushfire Brushfire Endless Fantasy Tactics