2024 was a weird year. I wanted to paint, play and blog more. And I had a pretty good start too! However, some troubles at home made it difficult for part of the year, and that was before we got flooded in August. Almost everything had to be put on pause until December. This was a rough and tiresome period, and it showcases how much this hobby, both the personal painting time and the social gaming part of it, are a core component of my mental health.
Luckily, we didn’t have that much damage, so it was mainly a time consuming endeavour, and the new basement is better separated. My son’s room is slightly bigger and will give him the space a growing teenager need. I also got myself a closed office and hobby room, which is a big upgrade from sharing the noisy and messy playroom with the kids and their visiting friends. Sure, with the added wall and the bigger bedroom, we are losing some storage space, but we were due for some cleaning and sorting anyway. I cannot say I’m happy it happened, but the final results are at least positive.