CaptainCon 2018

Last weekend was CaptainCon 2018. It’s the first big con I was able to attend since GenCon in 2014. TempleCon (which I attended multiple times, and was my first convention ever) and CaptainCon ran parallel for some time, but the latter is now held at the same venue and time slot as the former, that is sadly now defunct. I felt almost right back at home; similar gaming setup, similar game selection, even some of the vendors had the same spot!

My goal with CaptainCon was simple; enjoy the road trip with the guys and the time away from the family, and play & test games I don’t get to the table often enough back home.

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WMH Secret Santa 2017

Like last year, I took part in our provincial Warmachine & Hordes themed Secret Santa painting exchange. It always a fun community building activity. My target had provided a good selection of ideas to pick from, my favourite in the list being the Legion of Everblight Ice Witches. Sadly, when I wanted to start painting, they were not out yet.  My second choice in the list was still a good model, and most important, was out and available to pick at my FLGS!  So onward I went with a Beast Mistress, for the same faction.

I knew the target from his blog, so I went there and dig through the posts to find some sample of his paint scheme. He doesn’t post much pictures, and when he does, mostly overview in battle reports, so it was hard to find a good view. I luckily found one in one of the local FB group, so based my scheme on it.

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Looking Ahead: 2018

Now that 2017 is over, it’s time to think about 2018. What will this new year bring us? What will we try to achieve? Let’s plan and dream a little, shall we.


I’m going to go for my usual one model per week goal, which I failed at for the past two years. I’m already at 7 models this year and we’re only mid-January, so it’s a good head start. I will be taking less commissions, so hopefully I should have a better control of what hits the painting table.

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Au revoir 2017

Une autre année dernière nous, et à nouveau je n’ai pu maintenir un bon rythme de publication. La raison principale vient de la publication bilingue français et anglais: la traduction pour la 2e langue n’est jamais agréable à faire, alors je repousse l’écriture.

Afin de palier à cette situation, j’ai pris la décision de principalement publier sous une seule langue en 2018, qui sera l’anglais. J’espère que cela me permettra d’augmenter mon nombre de publication et maintenir un meilleur rythme.

Le reste de ce billet n’est donc disponible que sous la langue de Shakespeare. Vous pouvez lire ma revue de  mon année côté hobby, que ce soit peinture, jeu ou événement,  à cette adresse, ainsi que les futurs billets:

Good Bye 2017

Another year has passed, and I failed at maintaining a good post ratio once again. Posting everything in both French and English doesn’t help, as the translation part is a chore and not really fun to do, so I keep pushing back writing. For this year, I am switching to mainly English language posts, and hopefully it will help me publish more often.

On a positive note, 2017 was a fun and constructive year. I got to tackle new stuff, like vehicle weathering, high level small scale model painting and also got back in doing more sculpting. Two of those came originally from commissions, but have opened up interest for new personal projects. Let’s dive in!
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The WIP Table of Shame

We all have (or almost all) a Shelf of Shame, with piles of unpainted models, waiting forever to be assembled or painted. I’m not unfamiliar to that situation. However, I also have what I coined as a WIP Table of Shame: a collection of mid-painting models that never got finished for whatever reasons, be that for weeks, or years…

The number of models on my own WIP Table of Shame is starting to get out of control, stealing work space,  and mostly sapping my painting mojo. This week, I made the decision to correct this situation.  I know myself however; I can’t hard quit what I’m working on right now to finish those, or stop getting into new projects and ideas. I thus decided that from now own, and until the situation is under better control, I will have to finish something on the WIP Table of Shame anytime I  want to tackle anything new. Hopefully, it will at least slow down the creep,  if not correct the problem entirely.

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