Space Station Yaumato – The building phase

Last year, I had the idea of giving terrain pieces to my friends for their birthdays. The first one coming at that point was Yaum, a big Infinity fan with a really nice painted army, but no display for it. I decided to build him a display board, and took the measure of his display cabinet in secret while at his place for a game. Yaum plays Nomads, a nomadic (duh…) faction living on three giants spaceships, instead of owning land like the other factions. The display would represents a section of one of those ships, with an industrial look to match his existing bases.


The start went great, but the project grounded to a crawl after hitting major road bumps, and was put aside for a while. I quickly realized that I underestimated the length of that project, but also overestimated the free time I had to work on it, as I was doing house remodeling, selling and buying a new house, had “real job” projects and other real life stuff creeping in. However, some weeks ago, I finally went over all those obstructions and went back to work, to complete it before his next birthday. Almost a year of delay was already far too much!

I won’t go over every steps and decisions made during the process, but I did take pictures at several stages of construction and painting, and that’s what I’m be showing. If you have questions about anything specific, just ask in the comments or send me a quick email.

Most of the board was built using foam and plasticard. The screens come from Antenocitis Workshop, and the stencils are coming from Brush 4 Hire and Anarchy Models.

Come back in a few days, I’ll publish a second post with the final product pictures.

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