The children of Ptah

I got interested in Wargods of Aegyptus by Crocodile Games a while back (that is a trend…). I traded a small lot used, and played a test game or two. Sadly, other projects got in the way, as well as a lack of interest in my gaming group, so it was put back in a box to wait for a better time.

This time has arrived! Other players in my local group have started collecting, in the past year, and my painting speed and focus have also gotten better. I painted a starter warband around the children of Ptah in the past month, of about a 1000 points. I got some more models that I will slowly add to it, but this give me a good core to  start playing and try out the game again.

The Characters

The Units

The whole Warband

1000pts warband of a Harbinger of Ptah

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