I was able to sneak in some painting time last minute, just before the year ended, and get some henchmen done to add to my Doctors of the Ospedale for Carnevale. They are joining that poor Plague Doctoress that has stood alone for the whole year in the cabinet.
I finished a couple of Madmen, and a duo of Lab Assistants. To be honest, I’m not sure I’ll be using both of the latter at the same time, but I was already going, and it was simpler to just paint them together now than eventually come back to the second.
I’ve used a different setup for the pictures to what I was using before, but I think they worked out fine still. No light box, but a better lamp. It will have to do for now anyway, but I’m still working on setting up my hobby room, and a photo booth is the part I’m still wondering if I can manage to fit, instead of moving everything off my painting desk every time I want to take pictures.
The Madmen
The Lab Assistants
A final picture, the usual action shot, on the hunt to gather more test subjects among the masses of Venice.
With this, I wish you all a Happy New Year, many painted minis and lots of fun games!