Delta Station

I don’t do much commission work anymore, but I was recently contacted to paint a small line of civilian sci-fi models. The project was interesting and small enough to be manageable, so I took the plunge.

The models are from Wyrm Forge, to be released in an upcoming crowdfunding project on Kickstarter. You can register to be notified of the launch. The models were hand sculpted, and they have an old school sci-fi vibe to them.  The look I was asked for was “colourful 70s sci-fi”. I made a colour montage board for it, that you can see below, and followed the mood.

It was my first time using clear bases for model. I was afraid of the potential fogging with my glue, but in the end they all worked good.

Here are the individual shots of the models, and a group picture.


I’ll share the project once it launch, for the people who might be interested in that classic style.

Backdrop by Jon Hodgson Backdrops

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