Shattered Sword Reinforcements

I’m slowly catching up on the few projects I tackled during the renovations. Somewhere in the early Fall, I had a game of Relic Knights with my buddy Paul. It made me realize that I still had a bunch of models for my Shattered Sword Paladins just zenithal primed in purple and put on temporary bases. They were  made them passable on the table, but it gave me the drive to finish them. Also, since I didn’t have my airbrush or any of my other primers, working on ready models was perfect.

The painting itself wasn’t difficult, but I had a hard time settling on a colour for Jeanne’s hair. I originally painted it blue, but when I decided to make the banners and ribbons blue also, it just got lost in all of it. I tried a blonde after that, like the artwork for the model, but it was too close to the NMM gold.  I’m quite happy with the final magenta result though.

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Water under the bridge, and the floor…

Well, as much as I pledged to post a bit more often this year, Mother Nature didn’t agree with it. Our area got a historic level of rain happen at the beginning of August, and our basement flooded because of that. Luckily, we didn’t lose much, but it has been a long process to empty it out, dry and clean everything, renovate, and slowly move stuff back. We are not fully settled back in yet, but it’s finally moving at a steady pace, and I got back most of my hobby setup.

One positive side of that event was that in doing the rebuilding, we managed to create a closed office room for my work and hobby. It’s small, but I have a zone of my own now, which I am quite happy about. It’s also quieter than the playroom I was sharing with the kids, which is another bonus.

While all this was happening, I didn’t get much hobby done or games played. I managed to paint a bit some slower nights, on the corner of the kitchen table, but it wasn’t the most efficient way to do it. Also, without most of my material on hand, nothing was really done, as I still needed to varnish those, and even find some missing bases. It was not the best time for me as a hobbyist, I must say.

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CaptainCon 2018

Last weekend was CaptainCon 2018. It’s the first big con I was able to attend since GenCon in 2014. TempleCon (which I attended multiple times, and was my first convention ever) and CaptainCon ran parallel for some time, but the latter is now held at the same venue and time slot as the former, that is sadly now defunct. I felt almost right back at home; similar gaming setup, similar game selection, even some of the vendors had the same spot!

My goal with CaptainCon was simple; enjoy the road trip with the guys and the time away from the family, and play & test games I don’t get to the table often enough back home.

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