Like last year, I took part in our provincial Warmachine & Hordes themed Secret Santa painting exchange. It always a fun community building activity. My target had provided a good selection of ideas to pick from, my favourite in the list being the Legion of Everblight Ice Witches. Sadly, when I wanted to start painting, they were not out yet. My second choice in the list was still a good model, and most important, was out and available to pick at my FLGS! So onward I went with a Beast Mistress, for the same faction.
I knew the target from his blog, so I went there and dig through the posts to find some sample of his paint scheme. He doesn’t post much pictures, and when he does, mostly overview in battle reports, so it was hard to find a good view. I luckily found one in one of the local FB group, so based my scheme on it.
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