Chase Them Down – Carnevale Action Report

After an exciting first game in this small campaign, Yaum and I didn’t wait long and played the second scenario the very next week. It took me some time to finish my write-up though, so excuse me if I don’t go in full action by action details, as some of it is a bit blurry now. I wouldn’t want to write it that way anyway. Let’s jump in!

The Story

Moving stealthily away from the crowd gathering near palazzo Cattivo, Antonio Morosini thanked his legendary luck. The Contessa, in her bloodlust, didn’t finish him and quickly assaulted her next victim. The Capodecina, under the orders of Princess Castello, was to assault the palazzo and prevent this masquerata of ever happening. Sadly, one of the civilians under him, unused to dirty work like this, gave their presence away early, and paid for it with his life. Looking back, Morosini saw that some of the nobles were not getting up from their own pool of blood either, and smiled to himself. The mission wasn’t a complete failure. But he then heard the Contessa rally her remaining guests and call for a chase. It was time for him and what was left of his troop to get out of here.

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Party Interrupted – Carnevale Action Report

My buddy Yaum just finished painting his beautiful (but also filthy and decadent) Patricians for Carnevale. To start their story on the table, we decided to play the Patricians campaign from the big rule book. The rules might not be the most recent, but it’s a treasure of lore and scenarios, with a small campaign for each faction. I’ll be facing them with the Guild at the start, since they are their natural opponents, and because I’m still missing a model or two for my Doctors to have a large enough force, but I might switch later on depending on the scenario setups.

The Story

Our story begins in Venice, the city of canals. La Serenissima. The night is young, and the various guests of Contessa Jezabella Cattivo are dancing, drinking and enjoying themselves in her palazzo. However, there is a palpable tension building, as they all know that this masquerata will soon spread to the streets. Suddenly, shouting is heard from outside. It seems the spark has been lit by unseen assailants, probably some jealous lowly commoners. The Contessa takes her hand to her blade and says: “Let’s party.”

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Dracula’s America: Shadows of the West – First impressions

Last week, I had my first introductory game of Dracula’s America: Shadows of the West with a local player who’s heavily into it. Being a fan of weird west and Deadlands, this book by Osprey Games had me eyeing it for some time, as they share a similar vibe, even if their background is different.


Dracula’s America takes you in an alternate post civil war in the United States, where Dracula took control of the Union after infiltrating it and having President Lincoln and other big wigs assassinated. He has now declared himself President for life, and rules the Union with an iron grip, with the help of his Red Hand Coven. Multiple faction rose forth from these events and now vie for dominance, or mere existence, in this magic filled weird west.

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